Who is this Jamin guy anyway?
I am the husband of one and the father of nine. I was created to sing, to worship, to encourage, and to be steady. I am the Owner & Executive Director of Trinity Arts Center, a multi-disciplinary Arts Center in Eastern Tennessee, and the President of Trinity Arts Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization focused on funding arts education and performance. I've been involved with four music projects in my life -- Hot Pink Turtle, Spin Radio, Stand Like Stone, and of course, Jamin Rathbun.

In 2013, I added my Twitter feed to this site (below). To view the old content, just scroll down past the Twitter timeline. To keep in the loop on new posts, thoughts, and updates, just follow me on Twitter using the button below. Thanks!

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Malachi 3:10
Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

I'm not even going to attempt to "teach" on this topic because I'm at about a 4th grade level on this one. = ) What I will share is what has worked (and is working) for me and my family, to help us to gradually change the way we manage money, so that we can be faithful in this area. We've always liked the idea of giving -- to churches, needy families, friends, etc... We just never managed our finances well enough to allow an easy decision at crunch time. There's a lot of truth to that whole borrower is a slave to the lender thing eh?

Anyway... I encourage you to take the first small step to be faithful in this area.... And see what God will do. For us, the first step was something like this...

Start Small
Give 1% or give $25 or give whatever the Holy Spirit tells you is a good place to begin. It doesn't have to be 10%. It doesn't have to put your home at risk. It just needs to be a step toward obedience on your part... The first step of a commitment to get to where God wants you to be. Have a plan to increase that amount every 3 months or every year or the next time your finances change for the better. The goal is to get to 10% -- and then move beyond simply tithing into a lifestyle of generosity, hospitality, giving, and of course, blessing... Woo-hoo! = )

My recommendation?
Sponsor a child with World Vision. It's an easy way to commit a small amount ($30 a month) and have the opportunity to look into the eyes and lives of the children and communities you impact with your giving. Sometimes it's hard to see the impact of your small contribution to a $400,000 or $4,000,000 church budget. World Vision is a great way, I think, to "get" the spirit of what giving is about. (Besides, where else can you give someone a goat for Christmas.) = )

Before you send me email... = ) I'm not saying you shouldn't be giving to your local church community. I'm just saying that, for us, it was a great first step in our journey to obedience. Yours might be different... Just listen to the Holy Spirit and be obedient to do what he guides you to do.

© 2006-2010 Jamin Rathbun & Superdink.com. All rights reserved.
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